About Me

I'm Michelle...
I've been married to the handsome and wonderful -- albeit geeky -- Joe, since August 11, 2001. I mother his three demon spawn, who just so happen to be the most fantastic, wonderful, fascinating, aggravating people I know.  Briannah is 18 and like most girl her age, she knows *everything.  Adam and Spencer, will be 15 in June.  They are your average farting, burping, gross boys.  Our family is rounded out by our orange tabby cat; Kee Kee Rodriguez and our JackChi, Pippa Louise.  

Between the five of us, we are dealing with severe allergies, asthma, anxiety, resting bitch face, migraines, dangerously low iron, road rage and the inability to share and play nice.

We live, reluctantly, in Missouri. Gateway to the West, land of crime, the brown recluse, Bud Light, the best hockey team in the world and an inordinate number of registered sex offenders. I hope to someday live somewhere less notorious and more progressive but until then I continue to bide my time by being obsessed with Adam Levine, playing WoW unabashed, pinning, complaining, reading, writing, buying all the things to craft but never actually crafting, thinking of ways to get out of cooking dinner for my family and as of September 2017 I'm back at school to complete my BS in Public Health. 

I’m a complainer, and a bit of a hypochondriac.  I have the webmd iPhone app just in case I need to diagnose myself with something like, plantar fasciitis or  kidney stones anywhere, anytime.  I believe in past lives, soulmates, God, ghosts, and that everything happens for a reason.  I don’t believe in Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster, though. They can’t possibly be that elusive.  I believe that using profanity is an art form.  I lack that filter that stops you from saying things you shouldn't say, hateful, inappropriate things....Especially around people that irritate me. Which, is damn near everyone.  My grandma would blame it on my "colorfulness", my aunt says it's cause I'm a bitch.  I lean independently to the left, with right tendencies.  I am not a nice person but people think I am cause I tend to do nice things.  I can be manipulative, mean and vulgar.  While I believe in forgiveness and second chances, I can hold a grudge like nobody's business.  My best qualities are also my worst.  That statement makes perfect sense to anyone that knows me.

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